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Knowing when to offer solid foods before milk feeds can be a common source of confusion for parents. While there are no strict guidelines in Australia on this topic, the goal is to gradually transition your baby from a breastmilk/formula - based diet to a balanced diet that includes a variety of solid foods. This transition happens between 6 and 12 months, with many parents starting to offer solids before milk feeds around the 8-9 month mark.
We’ve put together a guide to help you navigate this transition with confidence.
The Australian guidelines recommend the following:
Solids should be introduced around 6 months of age. Before this, babies receive all the nutrition they need from breastmilk or formula. However, solids should not be introduced before 4 months. Babies should be showing signs of readiness before starting solids (good head and neck control, interest in food, opens their mouth when you offer them food on a spoon.
Night feeds can begin to be reduced around this time. While some babies may continue to need night feeds for comfort and nutrition, others may naturally start to drop them (if they haven’t already) as they consume more solids during the day
Breastmilk or formula remains the primary source of nutrition until 12 months. Even as solid foods become a bigger part of your baby’s diet, milk should still provide the majority of their nutrition during their first year. This means that you should continue to breastfeed/formula feed as normal and be guided by your baby's cues. For example they might start to drop a feed around 8-9 months as they start to consume more solids.
Understanding how to structure your baby’s breastmilk/formula and solid intake at different ages can help ensure they receive the right balance of nutrients. Below is a general guide to follow:
At this stage, solid foods are just beginning to be introduced, so milk feeds should still take priority. The focus is on exposing your baby to new tastes and textures rather than replacing milk with food.
What to do:
Offer breastmilk or formula at least 30 minutes before solids. This ensures that your baby is still getting enough milk while also having an appetite to start to explore solids.
Start with 1 meal for bubs first month and 2 meals for bubs second month
📌 Side Note: A “meal” at this stage is simply however much your baby wants to eat. They may start with just 1–2 teaspoons and gradually increase their intake.
By this stage, your baby is becoming more accustomed to eating solid foods, and you can begin to increase the frequency of meals. While breastmilk or formula is still the primary source of nutrition, solids are starting to play a more significant role.
What to do:
Continue to offer breastmilk or formula at least 30 minutes before solids.
Offer 2-3 solid meals per day.
If you haven’t already, you may want to start cutting back on night feeds. Many babies naturally begin to reduce their night feeds as they eat more during the day, though some may still need them for comfort or nutrition.
This is when the transition to offering solids before milk feeds typically begins. Babies at this age are eating a more varied diet, and their solid food intake is increasing. While breastmilk or formula is still an important part of their diet, solids should start to increase.
What to do:
Start offering solids first before milk feeds.
Provide at least 3 solid meals per day.
Continue to breastfeed or offer formula feeds as normal to ensure your baby is getting enough nutrition.
By 12 months, your baby should be eating a well-balanced diet consisting of a variety of solid foods. Breastmilk and formula are no longer the primary sources of nutrition, and your baby will be relying more on solid meals.
What to do:
Offer 3 solid meals per day, plus 2 snacks.
Formula is no longer required. Your baby can now get all the necessary nutrients from food and other beverages.
Cow’s milk can be introduced as a drink if desired, but dairy intake should be kept under 500ml per day. Too much cow’s milk can interfere with iron absorption and reduce your baby’s appetite for solid foods.
If you are still breastfeeding, continue to offer breastfeeds after solid meals.
Track bub's growth and weight on their growth charts
Monitor their wet nappies
See your GP if there are any changes in behaviour - eg lethargy, more irritable than usual
See your GP if you have any other concerns
Start offering solids around 6 months while continuing to prioritise breastmilk or formula.
By 7-8 months, increase solid meals to 2-3 times per day while gradually reducing night feeds.
Around 8-9 months, begin offering solids before breast/formula feeds and ensure your baby has at least 3 solid meals per day.
From 12 months onward, your baby should be eating 3 meals and 2 snacks per day, with formula no longer needed. Continue to breastfeed if desired.
Cow’s milk can be introduced after 12 months, but total dairy intake should be limited to 500ml per day.
Every baby is different, and transitions may not happen exactly on schedule. The most important thing is to follow your baby’s cues and gradually shift from a milk-based diet to a food-based diet in a way that suits their needs. If you ever have concerns about your baby’s feeding or nutrition, consult your GP or a paediatric dietitian for personalised guidance.
By following these recommendations, you can ensure your baby gets the right balance of milk and solids at each stage of their development, setting them up for a lifetime of healthy eating habits!
Is your baby about to start solids? We have everything you need, to make life so much more convenient:
✅ Veggie Puree Starter Pack (10 individual veggies)
✅ Fruit Puree Packs
✅ Salmon & Barramundi Puree
✅ Chicken Puree
✅ Legume Puree
✅ Iron-Rich Purees - chicken liver, beef and lamb
✅ Chicken Bone Broth
✅ Allergen Intro Packs (14 individual allergens)
✅ Tree Nut Maintenance Meal Packs (all 9 tree nuts)
*Please note, our advice is general in nature and should not replace any advice provided to you by your health professional. Ensure your baby is over 4 months old and is showing signs of readiness before starting solids. If you have any concerns about your baby’s development or starting solids consult your GP or other health professional.*
National Health and Medical Research Council, 2012. Infant Feeding Guidelines: Information for Health Workers. National Health and Medical Research Council. Available at: http://nhmrc.gov.au/about-us/publications/infant-feeding-guidelines-information-health-workers [Accessed 25 March 2025].
World Health Organization, 2023. Infant and young child feeding. Available at: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/infant-and-young-child-feeding [Accessed 25 March 2025].
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