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For your parents, rice cereal might hold a special place in their memory – a symbol of that exciting first step towards solid foods. But is this tradition the best choice for your little one in today's world? Let's take a look at rice cereal and explore a few things to consider when introducing bub their very first bite of solid food.
Is Rice Cereal Okay To Give To Bub Before 4 Months?
Despite what Nana thinks, the answer to this question based on the latest evidence is no! Anything other than breast milk or formula counts as a solid food, including that seemingly harmless spoonful of rice cereal that you may have been told to add to bubs formula or breastmilk to thicken it up. Bub’s digestive system isn't fully developed until around 4 months old. Introducing solids before this milestone can lead to tummy troubles and can be a choking hazard.
When Can Bub Have Rice Cereal (or Any Other Puree)?
Patience is key! Look for developmental cues that tell you your baby is ready to explore new tastes and textures. Here are a few signs to watch out for once bub is 4 months old:
What about Baby Lead Weaning (BLW)? Bub should be at least 6 months old as well as be demonstrating the above developmental milestones before you give them a nice squishy finger food to munch on.
Rice Cereal and Arsenic: Separating Fact from Fiction
Concerns about arsenic levels in rice might have you reaching for the organic aisle. The good news is that thanks to FSANZ (Food Standards Australia and New Zealand), Australia has extremely strict food safety regulations, so the levels of arsenic in our food, particularly for bubs, are well within safe limits.
So, Should Rice Cereal Be Bub's First Food?
Here's the thing: while rice cereal is perfectly safe for bub’s who are over 4 months AND showing signs of readiness, it's not necessarily the most well rounded first food choice. Iron fortified rice cereal might boast some iron content, but it lacks the diversity of nutrients like protein, healthy fats, fiber, and other essential vitamins and minerals.
Variety is What Bub Really Needs
Exposing bub to a range of flavors early on can not only help them become less fussy eaters later, but also helps with development. Different textures can also play a role in promoting chewing and speech development. So, if rice cereal is your starting point, that's okay! Just be sure to introduce a variety of other nutritious options soon after.
Feeling Nervous about Bub’s First Bite? Let's Make it a Puree Party!
Starting solids can feel daunting, but there's no need to stress. If you're feeling a bit nervous, purees might be a great way to ease into this exciting new chapter. There's absolutely no disadvantage to starting with purees compared to the BLW approach, as long as you gradually introduce different textures as your bub gets older.
Here are some delicious and nutritious options to kick off your little one's culinary journey:
Remember, Mama Do What Works For You!
The most important thing is to find what works for you and your bub. If you want to start with a teeny bit of rice cereal, that's fine. If you want to start with purees only, awesome. If you want to start with BLW, great. If you want to start with both, cool! Just make sure you are always progressing with flavours and textures and bub gets older.
Everything you Need for Starting Solids
Is your bub about to start solids? We have everything you need, to make life so much more convenient:
✅Veggie Puree Starter Pack (10 individual veggies)
✅Fruit Puree Packs
✅Salmon Puree
✅Beef Puree
✅Chicken Puree
✅Allergen Intro Packs (14 individual allergens)
✅Tree Nut Maintenance Meal Packs (all 9 tree nuts)
Please note, our advice is general in nature and should not replace any advice provided to you by your health professional. Ensure your bub is over 4 months old and is showing signs of readiness before starting solids. If you have any concerns about your bubs development or starting solids consult your GP or other health professional.*
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